Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Time Blogger

Well, this is my first time blogging ever. Since I've never done this before I don't really know what I'm doing. The purpose of this blog is really to get out some of the thoughts that have been floating around in my head. A lot of the time I have thoughts and ideas in my head but I don't have anything to do with them. I'm hoping this blog will help me to work through these thoughts and help me to come to know myself better. I've found that I really don't know me very well. I really want to be my own person but I found that I am so very shaped by the people around me. I want to come to know what I really think about things, I want to know MY opinion on subjects instead of always agreeing with someone else's opinion. I want to be a unique person with my own individual thoughts and ideas. I've found that when you are younger you are expected to simply agree with your elders opinions but once you hit a certain age you are magically supposed to have your own opinions. I want to have my own opinions but I want them to be based on a solid foundation. Simply accepting something because someone said it doesn't sit well with me. I want to be educated in my thoughts, opinions, and actions. I want this blog to help me really think and to allow me to express those thoughts.  Hopefully, that is what will happen.

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